Raksha Bandhan has come and gone. An auspicious North Indian festival where a sister ties a rakhi (a decorative bracelet) around her brother's wrist for good luck. The brother offers his sister a gift (usually money) in exchange and vows to look after her. Both will exchange prasad (sweets).
Sound's nice doesn't it? Some Rakhis have a tendancy to be extremely gaudy and sizable. Some sisters will go out of their way to tie a nasty one as a joke. The brother has to rock that Rakhi(s) like a fool and still pay her!
I do not have a sister so two cousin sisters that send me rakhis every year and luckily they are tasteful. It still doesn't stop people from asking what the braclet is all about. I have to got through the whole description of Rakhi and their reactions tend to be like a perplexed dog.
I may ask for a nasty one next year but have to come up with a facetious explanation for the rakhi. Any ideas?
1 comment:
Very belated happy raksh bandhan..
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